stobes22 Member


  • I am eating the calories I burn off, so if I dont work out I have 1200 calories/day if I burn 200 calories in my workout I eat 1400 calories/day
  • I am eating the calories I burn off, so if I dont work out I have 1200 calories/day if I burn 200 calories in my workout I eat 1400 calories/day
  • How does eating more calories make me lose more weight? That is so confusing.. Ive changed it to lose 1lb/week which is 1200 calories/day (same as 2lbs/week). to loose 0.5lbs/week it recommends about 1350 calories/day
  • Physically I feel like crap!!!!!
  • But if it was just water it would be the number on the scale as opposed to what my body looks like.. and thats not the case...
  • @foofoo2010 - thanks for the advice... about 1-2x/week I do weights and cardio.. the other time its pure cardio @christyrunstarr - yes I have made it 2lbs/week... could that be a reason? But how does it make sense that I need to eat MORE calories than what I am eating to lose weight??? And yes I eat back what I burn off
  • Thanks freckledrats... I am working out anywhere from 30mins-45mins/day doing cardio either treadmill or plyo or insanity workouts.... Usually when I ahve wanted to lose weight within the first 2 weeks I see a change maybe not on the scale but with how my body looks and none of that is happening this time
  • people may not think that based on my BMI or my height/weight ratio but this is not the weight I am comfortable at.. even if I stayed at this weight but was more toned Id feel better but thats not even happening...
  • Hey guys thanks for the advice... I am tracking everything I am eating and putting in my calories... they are saying I am supposed to eat 1200 calories/day. I am a 27 year old female.. 5ft1inch and weigh 110lbs.. I am more comfortable at about 104lbs... Not muscle as my body just doesnt look good... it doesnt look more fit…