mud314 Member


  • Thanks guys....I was thinking the same thing. it's just tough seeing my daily allowance of cholesterol well over the 300 mark and when I look back it's on my breakfast that I "screwed" things up. While I don't have have high cholesterol, I do have high triglycerides, my HDL and LDL cholesterol are all well within normal…
    in Eggs? Comment by mud314 April 2012
  • You look awesome and the best part look at your smile! awesome. good for you!!!!!
  • Don't tell me you love me, tell me you like it :P
  • I got the discs a while back from a friend of mine and just never could get past the first 30 mins. it's insane. Now that I may have started working out on a more regular basis I may give it a go, again. As for the food, I looked at it when this bud first bought the discs he later gave me and I remember not really caring…
  • I use egg whites powder. Order them through amazon and save money. It mixes well and there are not additives to them. Nothing compares to eggs when it comes to muscle building which us boys like. I typically throw it in with some milk or almond "milk" and a banana or any other fruits. Remember the caloires in fruit though.