mab0615 Member


  • Good for you AND you're not too old. I started going back to school 8 yrs ago (35 y/o). I went for surgical tech then my RN. Aftter 4 yrs I have a BSN and am now thinking of getting my MBA/Healthcare Administration. I could go to school for ever....too bad I have to work FT.
    in Ph.D.'s Comment by mab0615 June 2012
  • I bought one about a month ago..shortly after joining MFP. It seems pretty accurate with steps. I sometimes question the amount of calories when I set the timer and do the "Insanity" workout..... I feel like I'm burning 3-500 calories not the 200+ it states. Other than that, I love it.
    in Fitbit Comment by mab0615 May 2012
  • Hello, welcome and good luck. I'm 42 and joined a month ago. I've lost a lot weight before in my thirties, but have been slowly gaining it back. It seems harder to loose the older you Feel free to add me if you'd like