

  • Feel free to add me, that goes for anyone :) I'm a new mom of a lovely little girl. I've been a member for a while but just started logging in everyday this past week and becoming part of the online community. The motivation and encouragement from friends on here really helps keep you on track!
  • Where do you buy nutritional yeast? Is there a particular brand you use? [/quote] I usually find the nutritional yeast in the bulk foods at my local health food store or Whole Foods...much cheaper to buy that way then prepackaged.
  • Have you ever had quinoa? That is a complete protein and is yummy. Nutritional yeast is yummy on popcorn with some black pepper and is a good source of vit b12. Check out the post punk kitchen blog for some good vegan recipes. The past couple of days I've been uninspired with recipes but will let you when I make some. Keep…
  • Hi! I was a strict vegan until I got pregnant but Im trying to get back into it. You're more than welcome to check out my diary! It's not very inspired, sometimes I just eat bowls of veggies but maybe it could help you out. Also...try Tings! It's the vegan version of Cheetos. They are made with nutritional yeast so they…
  • If you are looking for a 'fizzy drink' replacement, try kombucha! It's a bit of an aquired taste, but I think it's yummy! There are all sorts of flavors out there, even more if you make your own. It's good for you, too! If you can't get into that, there's a drink called Izze and they have a low cal version called…
  • Veganomicon! Anything by Isa Chandra Moskowitz. She has a low fat vegan cookbook called Appetite for Reduction. Haven't found a recipe in there that I don't like! She also has a blog with tons of recipes called Post Punk Kitchen, if you're into that type of thing, too. :)
  • I was in a similar situation...was on a roll losing weight and then found out I was pregnant, too! It's funny how life works out sometimes.
  • Lentils! Tasty, cheap, and they cook quickly.
  • I'll motivate you if you'll motivate me! I'm a 24 year old first time mom who needs some support, too. We can do this! :)
  • I have a CSA and I love getting fresh beets and tomatoes! I won't eat tomatoes unless they are fresh from the farm.. I'm a tomato snob ;) haha