Way to go! to stick it out this long, you are an inspiration to us all!
Good Luck to everyone! I know we can all do it!
1. 203.5 2. lost 1.5 lbs 3.I went slightly over my caloric goal. I did watch portion control more closely i measured the portion sizes/ 4.Hope to continue sticking to the plan and measuring the portion sizes, I didn't realize by how large my portions sizes were. Even though I ate healthy foods. 5. Hope I can keep this up…
Sorry I meant 30 pounds
That would be the best Christmas gift I could ever have! how can I lose 50 lbs by Christmas?
Join the "we are all sick of being fat" club...nice to have you
go to an emergency hospital, it is very dangerous to be taking diuretics. Also, contact a support group for your disorder.
My abdomen.
The pancakes and syrop would be close to 400 calories if the syrop is made from scratch using stevia.
How about whole wheat and oatmeal pancakes with strawberry or raspberry syrop.
In diets past, I have still eaten whole wheat breads and grains and have lost weight. Portion control is the key to any successful diet. I find that every so often there are diets that come out leaving out certain food groups which is sad. A person does need there grains for good health.
I personally would not be able to have"cheat days" as I would probably overindulge and fall off the wagon. Wouldn't you feel crappy eating all those calorie laden goodies? To each his own.
way to go! I've recently started on the eliptical and can do 30 minutes at a medium speed. I have also started to do some weight lifting as well for variety
lots of exercises out there for thighs, you can google for specific exercises. I have flabby inner thigh. Yoga is good for your core as well as a general body toning and coditioning. Its a nice break from eliptical and weight lifting. LOL
lots of Canadians eh? Welcome to myfinespal...
I completed 30 minutes on my elliptical today. I lost almost 400 calories from doing that! I am grateful that I have all my limbs that I can exercise and get in shape! I am grateful that I am alive and grateful for the family I have! I am grateful that God has blessed me with good health!
Why should one cut out grains alltogether? Grains are important in our diets for fiber and keep out blood glucose and cholesterol in check. I think Moderation is the key to any weight loss program and balanced with a good exercise program. Not allowing food we love ( in moderation) will just cause binge eating (been there,…
You might want to see a chiropodist or your family doctor about your issue with you foot. I also, years ago injured my big toe and whenever I go on the eliptical after 20 minutes my big toe feels numb. I haven't done anything about it because it goes back to normal after exercise is finished.