erock_21 Member


  • Great job! You look awesome for having a baby 4 months ago! I am still struggling to lose my baby weight from my son who just turned 1. How did you do it?
  • I am also. My son is almost a year old and I would like to start trying again in August. First thing is first though, must lose the baby weight from #1!
  • Hello, My name is Erin. I am new to this whole "weight loss support group" thing, but ask myself "why not"? I am a stay at home mom, looking to shed the baby weight I gained with my son. I recently miscarried at 12 weeks and am more focused on losing weight than ever! I also hope to meet some weight loss buddies and find…
  • Thanks for the support! I really appreciate it! I guess I do need to find some sort of "balance" but I also want quick results that is why I am restricting my calories and also because while I do get out and walk alot, I am not going to start bodybuilding anytime soon. I like exercise that is outdoors and fun like…
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