

  • I've been doing it! I'm on level 2 now. I've been having to modify some moves for various reasons but I am still seeing results. For example, jumping jacks. It's incredibly painful on my knee to land with it out to the side so I just jump as high as I can for them without swinging my legs out - it's annoying too because…
  • I thought I'd search this because I have NEVER had knee problems and my knees have been killing me on 30DS - and yes I have some fancy shoes for support. I think it's the jumping jacks that are doing it, my leg isn't landing correctly. It's definitely not muscular, it feels like the cartilage and/or meniscus is inflamed -…
  • I love the 30DS it's just kind of hard on my knees :( I just started Zumba too in order to amp up the fitness in my world. It's still hard work to put them together but it's fun! It's a long sweat session if I do it back to back.
  • I was losing weight before I started Nuvaring - then when I went on it, it stopped and it seemed like no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't lose weight. I was on it for 2 years, this is my first week off of hormones and I've gained 10 pounds in 5 days and I have a killer headache. Luckily I actually haven't been that…
  • I've been taking rest days and I've still been noticing changes, it's just taking a little longer. I work a crazy schedule and I have sleep troubles so if I work out passed like 5PM, I will have problems sleeping. It's really annoying. So on certain days, it can be hard to get the shred in. Today, I actually woke up with a…
  • I'm trying to work up the strength to do C25k with 30DS but I'm worried it will burn me out so I'm going to wait until I'm stronger and more adapted to regular exercise. But I'm hoping to do Ripped in 30 once 30DS is done!
  • I'm on day four and I've gained like a pound a day since I started! I was going to avoid the scales but I get too curious. i'm trying to remind myself that it's just a number and it's water retention and I'll soon be "shredded" (though my muscles actually feel pretty shredded right now) Good thing I've been hydrating like…
  • I've only done 2 days but I'm feeling pretty motivated to make it through the whole thing. I'm super sore, I really do feel like my muscles are "shredded" but I need change! I'm avoiding the scales until the end. I haven't measured yet (maybe tonight) and I'd like to wait until the end of the 30 days to measure again. The…