

  • According to the Jackson/Pollock (3-site fat caliper method), I am 18-19% body fat. The military method tells me I am 24.8%. I am 5'2", 24-years-old, 117 lbs, and pear shaped.
  • According to the Jackson/Pollock (3-site fat caliper method), I am 18-19% body fat. The military method tells me I am 24.8%. I am 5'2", 24-years-old, 117 lbs, and pear shaped. http://imagecdn.bodybuilding.com/img/user_images/growable/2013/06/26/15374582/gallerypic/WcEHSkfZTykRHxFkHAvvYxEcrcpSypWbQxzQ-610xh.jpg