Lola_B Member


  • How overweight are you? You can probably lose about 10-15% of your body weight in 55 days if you're really focused. If your BMI is 31+ you might be able to get a prescription for phentermine (Adipex is the most common brand, I believe). It's very effective at appetite suppression, but it does have some serious side effects…
  • Hi everyone! My weigh in day is usually Monday, so I'm still getting used to doing a Friday weight in. But, I'm down a little over a lb this week so yay!! I'll be traveling abroad for about 1.5 weeks and probably won't have access to the net. I'm really nervous about all the yummy temptations (and the relative lack of…
  • Hey everyone! I'm getting in on this a bit late, but I'd love to join anyway :) TWO Month goal: 20 lbs CW: 225 Week 1 (1/28) - Week 2 (2/4) - Week 3 (2/11) - Week 4 (2/18) - Week 5 (2/25) - Week 6 (3/4) - Week 7 (3/11 )- Week 8 (3/18) - Week 9 and the END (3/25) - MINI CHALLENGE: 1. Burn 2000 calories doing a mixture of…
  • Nori flakes make a good salt substitute as long as the dish works with the flavor profile (ie: probably wouldn't work with a marinara sauce, but would be great on fish, in soup, on salads, etc.)
  • I know this is an old post, but I think there's a lot of really great comments. My two cents: my parents did everything in their power (and spent a lot of money) to help me keep my weight under control as a teen -- doctors, camps, nutritionists, personal trainers -- you name it, they tried it. They bought healthy foods and…
  • Hi everyone! I can't wait to see how well we all do :) V-day CW: 225 1 month challenge weight: 215 Happy valentine's day everyone!!
  • Hey there! I'm someone who has always loved food and loved to eat, emotional eating issues aside. I can really relate to lamenting the small portions. I've spent my life in and out of weightloss camps (~10 summers) and what I can tell you from my experience there (and of course with countless personal nutritionists, etc.)…
  • Hi Dawn, I've never been an exercise lover, so I can really empathize. I have to do A LOT of self talk to get myself to go to the gym. One thing I find helpful is to make appointments (with a trainer or with a friend) where I know I have to meet someone at the gym. I find that once I'm there, I always end up working out…
  • Thanks everyone! It's so great to know that there is a support system out there of people who understand. I know how to do lose the weight, it's just a matter of really dedicating myself to it/ making healthy eating a priority.
  • Losing more in the first week is pretty common, especially if you have a lot to loose. (Also, I think she meant he ate 600 less than what he could eat, not 600 total).
  • This is my first day too! Good luck!
  • Hi! I'm not a medical or fitness expert, so I'm just speaking from my own experience and what I've been told by my personal trainers in the past. First of all, which target heart range are you referring to? If you're talking about staying in what they call the "weight loss" or "fat burning" zone, then you definitely have…