

  • I have a favorite return for just such people...not always polite, but since they started it..."I may be fat...but your ugly and I can go on a diet!" Just let's them know they just crossed the line...stand firm and stay strong!
  • I, like you have that 12-15 pound window to go...I am working through the Couch 2 5K and it is working well. I think the focus should be to get your BMI within the healthy range and not worry about weight as in numbers. Maintenance is just as important as the end goal and should be on your radar somewhere. Learning how to…
  • Good luck all who are giving it a go! I know that there is a less aggressive version also out there..(my wife can't do the standard program as it's too aggressive for her). Also...download the app on your phone and mix with an upbeat playlist! It makes it much more tolerable and you forget about the sounds of beating the…
  • As far as "Workouts" go...I think a cardio workout everyday is too demanding and you may lose steam. But if you move everyday, say a casual 20-30 min walk to "Enjoy the Scenery" will keep that guilt at bay and keep you motivated. I am doing Couch 2 5k and only do it every other day as you need a day to recover and heal.
  • Good morning, let me say that by posting something this personal, you are on the right track. We're all on the track. Next, you have a goal number, but what about a goal size. Sometimes your weight will not reflect your size...keep that in mind as size's are easier to obtain mentally (less far to go than pounds). This…
  • It doesn't matter if you need to lose a little or a lot, losing weight is losing weight...it sucks either way! I think for me what works the best honestly is being focused to look ahead at my meals and work backwards. If I know I am going to have a larger dinner, I enter that into my plan first to help me forecast the rest…
  • I don't mind them. I am using Herbalife (my wife is distributor) and replace both breakfast and lunch with Formula 1. If I am at work, it doesn't hold me and I add extra for lunch. Cottage Cheese/Fruits/Salads etc. (anything with low glycemic index) But it is working fine for me. I find the exercise portion is the key.…
  • I agree with routerguy...if the glycemic index of your foods are high, it will trigger insulin roller coasters which then you feel starved. Choose foods with a low glycemic index and you won't feel that way so much. Also switch up any exercise routine you have for a bit. Your body will acclimate to "walking" and plateau.…