melkneec Member


  • I did it!!! It was brutal!!! But I think I can make it through!! I may have to do this week over again but that's ok with me. I will see when I make it to week 4!!!! ~~~~shudders from fear~~~~
  • I feel the same way!!! I thought it was just me. I feel so bloated and sluggish when I eat too many carbs. Its nice to know that some one else feels that way and its not just in my head!
  • I agree with everything!!! I am on a low carb diet because of health issues but I have also done research. You really should do some research and find out what it is all about. I love the low carb lifestyle and will NEVER go back to high carb and over processed foods. I feel sooooooo much better. :) It is worth looking…
  • I'm so glad that you guys will be doing week 3 with me!!! That helps me keep motivated!! Please come back and post how you are doing and i will too!!! You guys are the best!!! Thanks everyone!!
  • Thanks guys!!! :) I will let you know how it goes. :)
  • I have PCOS and it is a pain!! Seems like after I turned 25 I started gaining for no reason. I've tried all kinds of meds and nothing helped. I am on Victoza shot now and it helps for now. :) The only way I lose weight is to eat low carb. That is not always easy.
  • I have hypothyroidism and I agree with this!!! I have the hardest time losing the weight. The only thing that has helped me are the meds and a low carb diet. Everyone is different and you will find what works for you. Hang in there! It is worth it. :)
  • That is what I'm doing right now but I see others who run every day. My doctor recommends that I run one day then strength train the next. That lets recovery happen. I would like to know the advice too.
  • Wow!! Everyone looks fantastic!! You inspire me!
  • I felt this the first time through the program. I got a knee brace from my doctor and it helped me get through. It got better and now I don't have that problem. The muscles around my knee got stronger my doctor said. :) Hope that helps. Knee pain is worth checking out.
    in Knee Pain Comment by melkneec March 2012
  • Great going everyone!! You inspire me!!! I just finished week 1 today!!! I look forward to my first 5k!! I do find running gets a little long with the wrong music!! Anyone have any suggestions for songs?
  • Thanks guys!!! It means a lot to me that you gave me advice!!! I did Day 1 of Week 1 yesterday!! It was easier than I thought it was going to be. :) I'm scared of the later weeks!!!
  • Thanks for the welcome!! :)
  • Thanks for the welcome!! :) Its a replacement for synthroid. I didn't realize how little it was working for me until I got Armor. I mean it helped some but Armor is soooo much better for me. I can even take a lower dose which makes me happy. I am a new woman. :)
  • I would make a trip to my doctor. I started doing the same thing. When I had a check up with my doctor, they said a constant hunger can be a sign of high insulin levels. We did blood work and it came back that I had metabolic syndrome and polycycstic ovarian syndrome. I'm so glad I did the blood work because with meds to…
  • I have the same problem. Insulin resistance because of metabolic syndrome and PCOS and this is the only way I can lose weight. I agree with you!!! There is nothing wrong with a low carb diet as long as you use better oils and get the right kinds of fat instead of the over processed stuff. Good Calories and Bad Calories is…
  • I just started week 3 and love it! I have Lupus and I'm doing the program so I can join in the Lupus walk/run this year!!! I have to be careful what exercises I do and I have no problems with this program. I downloaded an app for my phone that helps me keep everything straight. :)
  • I have a lot posted on my blog. I have been sick and haven't gotten to post new ones but there are some already there. :) If you have any questions just let me know. I hope to be posting more soon. :)
  • I agree with deanadimples. :) I do the same thing!! LOVE my HRM. :)
  • I love love love P90X!!! :) It is a workout for sure though.
  • I'm still on track just don't have time to weigh in. I'll be back soon. Lots of work and changes at home. Once I get settled I'll be back to challenges. :)
  • I can't keep up with the challenge right now. I'm sorry but I have to drop out. I will catch the next ones. I will miss you guys!!
  • I can't keep up with the challenge right now. I'm sorry but I have to drop out. I will catch the next ones. I will miss you guys!!
  • I can't keep up with the challenge right now. I'm sorry but I have to drop out. I will catch the next ones. I will miss you guys!!
  • SW 220 lbs Week 1 ~ 216.2 Week 2 ~ 218.2 Week 3 ~ 219.0 Ugh!! I was back down to 216 on Friday but then had a weekend full of sodium and went back up!! I'll get it back down. :) Lesson learned. lol
  • April 8th weigh in. Sorry its late. Busy weekend so far. 216.8 lbs!! Hope next weeks is this good.
  • 3/17: 218.8 3/24: 218.2 3/31: 217.8 4/7: 216.8 4/14: 4/21: 4/28: 5/5: 5/12: 5/19: 5/26: 6/2: 6/9: 6/16: 6/23: 6/30: 7/4: GOAL weight is 199 Woot!!! A whole pound!!! I don't think next week is going to be this good! I had a bad weekend so I have to get back to work and work harder!!
  • I hope to see the replies also. My husband just started working 12 hours shifts and has a 2 hour drive on top of that. No time what so ever. :( Wish I could help.
  • So sorry I forgot to weigh in!!! Thanks for reminding me!! This i s my weight as of April 1st. A little up from last months finish! gggrrr. lol Goal Weight for May 1st: 210.0 April 1st (starting weight): 219.6 April 8th: April 15th: April 22nd: April 29th: May 1st: