

  • Thank you!! Those all seem to be very helpful and useful tips! I will definitely try the celery trick. It makes sense and it's mainly water so maybe it will help me feel full at the same time. Thanks a bunch!
  • All of these results have inspired me to try the 30DS!! I used to do P90 and saw results but it was so hard to keep going because 90 days seemed to drag on so I only ever went to 45 days. This 30 day workout seems doable! :-)
  • Hey, I just searched the community archives for slim fast and found this post. I'll be starting it tomorrow and am wondering how well you are doing on the diet?
  • My favorite way to bake chicken: -Chicken breast or leg quarters -Italian dressing -Mrs. Dash (I use either table blend or the kind for chicken) -Water Heat oven to 375. Put the italian dressing and water in the pan and mix together. I use about 3/4 parts dressing and 1/4 parts water. (I don't really meausre it though). I…