

  • My yoga teacher has rather severe scoliosis, and yoga has been a godsend for her. She had very noticeable curvatures in her spine, which caused her lots of pain and severe migraines. She is now pain free because of her consistent practice. I suggest you try a few studios, find the one that you are happiest and most…
  • My former boss swears by it... and she looks amazing!
  • You might not be eating enough given how much you are exercising. I've had this happen to me when eating low calories. If it keeps happening, add another 100 calories per day and see if it helps. Hope you're feeling better!
  • If you're eating around 1200 calories a day, it's natural that you should feel hungry. It is a low-calorie diet, even for people who are not active. If you are active, it will create a very large calorie deficit. If it is making it too difficult for you, why not aim for 1400 calories instead? You will feel satisfied and…
  • I think it's a good idea to weigh in on only one scale, and do not weigh yourself on another scale, no matter how great the temptation. This way, you can see your progress in terms of the change over time rather than the number at any given time. This happened to me when I went to my first nutritionist's appointment, I…
  • Awesome job on your weight loss! I am not paleo at all, because I do not exclude dairy, and I do eat small amounts of whole grains, and I drink alcohol in moderation. That said, I have benefitted a lot from the insights of the paleo diet, I do not eat refined sugars or processed foods. I am planning to do two months of…