Sandyk5460 Member


  • I had a great salad when I was at Curves but haven't been able to find the recipe. Its got pine nuts and an Asian dressing. Anyone know the salad I'm talking about? It was supposed to have come from one of the Curve's newsletters but I couldn't find it.
    in Salads Comment by Sandyk5460 May 2012
  • Salisbury, MD (really Parsonsburg, just east of Salsibury)
  • I'm so sorry for what you had to go through. I took a basic self defense class prior to starting my 3-11 shift. Here are a few tips: 1. If you carry keys, put them in your hand, pick the biggest key and point it outward, wrapping your hand in a fist. If attacked, aim for the eyes. If no keys, put index finger straight, put…
  • I have frozen blueberries and strawberries on hand plus coconut/almond milk (has more calcium, less fat than soy or regular milk; one serving = 1 cup= 60 calories; 3 gm fat; 7 gm carbs; 1 gm each fiber and protein plus lots of other vitamins and 40% calcium). When I fix the blueberry smoothie, I had a bit of lemon juice…
  • You have to remember that muscle weighs more. If you are exercising hard and your clothes fit you better....................... that is not weight gain............... it is muscle. Muscle raises your metabolism which is half the battle. With a new scale, you need to forget what you weighed prior. Today is a new day. Do not…
  • Alternatives are great too. I use the salsa at times! Thanks. :flowerforyou:
  • Wow!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks everyone for the recipes and ideas. I will go to that site that a couple of you suggested. :love:
  • The 1.3 pounds heavier was probably water gain. Did you check your legs for fluid? I am on medication that makes me retain fluid but I hate to take my "water pill" every day so I only take it when I push on my lower leg with one finger and see an indentation. I weigh every day too but I won't record it if I have obvious…
  • I weigh every day too. How else are you supposed to find out if what you are doing is working? By weighing every day, you can change up your plan before you have wasted an entire week. Now that would be discouraging!
  • I am new to this site. Started Tuesday 4/24/12. I love having to record what you eat. Even when I slip up and have a "NO-NO" food, it helps to record it. By seeing it recorded it helps me to get back on track. I weigh myself daily. I know it is discouraged but I want to know right away (and not a week later) if something…
  • Hi, my name is Sandy. I am 51 years young and I am 5 ft zip. A few years ago, I had finally gotten to my goal weight of 125 pounds, felt good. After the birth of my daughter in 1984, I ballooned up to 245 pounds. This was mostly due to a medical condition, Cushing's Disease. But the weight had to come off the old fashion…