cassienut Member


  • I eat everything. Sometimes healthy, sometimes not. If I have a few bad days, I make up for it by having a couple good days. Don't let one day get you down. Don't go by daily calories, I do weekly. Just keep it up and results will show. Slow process.
  • Only by 6 beers, the perkins sampler and eggs benedict. There will be some cheeseburgers tomorrow and probably more beer. Then back on track Tuesday. Not guilt here I can just do better for a week! I always have a few extra calories hanging around anyways because I round up! YUMMY!
  • I eat everything, it's not about the food. It's how much. Simple. I eat anything I want as long as I fit it into my calorie range for the day i'm good. Eat for health though too.
  • I am 5'6 and weigh 127 right now. I was looking to get down to 120 but at my height that is on the way lower end. I should never weigh below 118 for my height. That would be considered underweight. I will be happy at 125 I think. Good luck!
  • I eat everything good, bad, ugly. I just keep it in my calorie range and I still lose. Don't stress over what you eat, maybe just how much and you will be fine. :) It is really simple. Eat less, lose weight.
  • I say if you want something eat it. It shouldn't be "cheating." Eat healthy when you can and when you want something have it. Just try and stay within your calorie range. We are human. Sometimes we like bad foods too and its ok as long as your getting some good stuff in there. Don't be too hard on yourself. Sometimes I…
  • I lost belly fat by reducing calories. I ate mostly healthy but if I wanted a burger I had it! I just made sure I stayed in my calorie range. Good Luck!