

  • I'm 42 as well, 4 kids, uterus in tact! You have inspired me to take my lifting to the next level. Squat 185!!!! Impressive!
  • Love that saying! I am going for goddess! I had four children, carried one to the tune of 9lbs 4oz INSIDE my uterus. Then carried them on my hip (between all 4) for the next 11 years. That woman needs to learn how to read or get a life. I started working out with weights a bit more seriously 4 weeks ago and upd the amount…
  • I love my wine too. I intend to cut back but I cant seem to do it. I excercize more to compensate and the results are much slower but I am not resentful. I had talked to a woman who said she only drinks on the weekends so she doesn't add too many calories. I figure if I want to up my weight loss I will try holding off for…
  • I wear a heart rate monitor mainly for my cardio. Anything I need to be looking for while weight training in heart rate ranges?