

  • I know I've hit rock bottom when I reach for a pop-tart. Yes, it is shameful and why do I do it! haha!
    in Confessions Comment by jenbod72 May 2013
  • Thank you! Great post! have been struggling over the last couple of months beating myself up over my 10lb weight gain, which is the result of a 4 month super strict diet and muscle building regimen...followed by a period where I lapsed into "normal" eating patterns and only moderate exercise instead of the hardcore…
  • I am definitely a stress eater! I am also a "yes" person and often find myself taking on too much and stretch myself too thin...then when I have my breaking point I stuff my face. I don't even know what I am eating half the time, going from sweets to salty and then back to sweets. I recognize it now as being destructive to…