

  • Also think about your form while running! I had terrible shin splints and worked with an exercise physiologist. With his help, I got better shoes and orthotic insoles, which helped. What really made them go away, though, was realizing that when I was running, I was striking the ground with my heel first- changing to a more…
  • How tall are you? If you're shorter, like only 5 feet, then weighing 195 is still carrying a lot of weight around, probably. But if you're taller, 195 might be just fine. You really have to go by what feels right for you and see how it goes with more time. But CONGRATS anyway, you should be so proud of yourself!
  • Hi there! Welcome! TDEE is your Total Daily Energy Expenditure- it's your basal metabolic rate (what your body needs just to live and function) plus additional calories according to your daily activity level- basically it's the amount of calories you would need to maintain your current weight. For people trying to lose…
    in Hi!! Comment by julibug22 June 2012