Don't do your makeup to work out! It's bad for your skin, and it's silly - hopefully you'll be sweating it off anyway. I'm in the crowd that says to wear whatever you are comfortable in, and rest assured that your PT is looking to HELP you, not judge you.
Nope :)
If we both switch teams...bring it
Haha, feel free to friend me to help out with that.
FR :)
Bring it
Was constantly out conquering things for the glory of Rome.
Too young
I wasn't groovy enough for her....
make out
Thanks! your boat. :D
Not sure....but why not, bring it!
FR so I could SC
I eat what I want, using portion control and exercise to balance out the fact that I sometimes want junk.
He was fixated on corn flakes that look like other things.
Nah, probably not.
Yep. I brought the matches.
If I were ten years younger
Pass, but you are very cute. :)
If I dated ladies I totally would. ;)
This. But in answer to the general question, I think it's ok to skip if you need to, but I find that exercise is a huge stress reliever. I am going through a fairly stressful time in my life right now, and I have gotten so used to using exercise as a way to cope that I actually have a hard time staying still when I'm…
Oh my yes. LOL
Grab and handshake for awesome progress