Katydyd1979 Member


  • Just wondering and gathering opinions... If insurance paid (or money wasn't a factor), would you have the excess skin removed or do you love your new body the way it is? I waffle on this, and have a ways to go before the fat is gone and only the excess skin remains. I value the opinions of others.
  • I'm in a similar situation in that I work 9 hour days and spend over 3 hours a day commuting to my desk job. I do my best to get great workouts on the weekends, and I made some adjustments at work: I sit on an exercise ball for part of the day (to strengthen my core & improve my balance), I have a set of pedals under my…
  • I think everyone's body and response to soy is different. I've had 3 doctors and 3 dietitians "forbid" me from eating additional soy (they realize it seems to be in every processed food). I'm a woman, and started having lots of abnormal bleeding when I tried to switch from fat free milk to soy milk. I have a male friend…