

  • I have been doing it 4 times a week. I am not sure if I can see results, but I can feel them. My arms feel firmer, and I am able to do more push ups every time. I also am able to keep up with them and continue through the whole DVD without breaks. Which the arm raises at the end of the first level are a killer. I think you…
  • I just joined today so can I join your challenge even though I am a few days late? My measurements are: weight: 177 bust: 39.5 waist: 42 Belly Fat: 37.5 Thighs: 24 Calf: 14.5 Fore arm: 10.5 Bicep: 13.5 My sister n law loves this DVD, so I wanted to try it...I am excited to shred this excess baggage!