suetrnka Member


  • My kids laughing together. A fresh manicure. My sweaty sports bra after a good run. A text message from HIM. My kids' summer night baseball games. Good sex. Clean, squishy socks. All three of my kids cuddled in their beds with books before lights-out. Campfires and s'mores on family camping trips.
  • Way to get started! I find that the more success I see in what I'm doing, the more motivated I am to keep working and even work harder. It almost becomes addictive... :) I pack my bag for the gym every night before I go to bed so that I have no excuse for not taking it out the door with me in the morning. Then - on the…
  • Whether you are a single mom or a single dad, having to be both mom and dad to your kids is the biggest challenge of all - full of frustrations, lots of belly laughs, and plenty of rewards. My kiddos rock my world :)
  • I'm in too - aiming for 8 and hoping for 10! I'm working on limiting sugar, but I'm not giving it up. However - i am working really hard to increase my water intake - which seems to be incredibly hard for me to do (but it's getting better!). Let's do this!!! Feel free to add me, kinda new here (again) and looking for…
  • Hi! I'm back after months of not using this site - it has really worked for me in the past because it helped me really see the "math" behind what I eat and how active I am. When I got the math going in the right direction, my habits changed and I lost 40 pounds. Then like you - life happened - I moved, started taking…
  • Really well said...found direction in your words - thanks :)