

  • well I have an odd combo that I make..... this makes enough for a week, then reheat daily.. first simmer a handful of red river cereal in your water for 5 min, then add your oats ( 4 servings worth) then throw in a stick of cinnamon or a tsp, with a spoonful of brown sugar ( spread over 4 days not too bad), and chop up a…
  • and here I was going to suggest a watermelon cake.... all great answers everyone... and kuddos on your losses... I'm impressed... now to get my own butt off this couch and do something active.... anyone got a big stick to stand beside me and wave at me?
  • hey there! super to see that I've lots of company here with lots to lose.... so hoping that I will get there. Lots of hard work involved, I know. I need to lose more than the 50 but would be ecstatic to get to that point. Friend me if you want /need a cheerleader in your corner
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