

  • Ugh. I've been there. My first was a challenge. With my second, I swamped the breast and nursing at night for a paci. It didn't cause issues with nursing at all, it just helped satisfy his need to suck. I also set up a bedtime routine and stuck to it for 2 weeks like it was gospel. Bath, lotion, jammies, lights out,…
  • The difference in your face is just fantastic (the rest of your body too)! Keep it up girl and you'll be at your goal before you know it!
  • Hello fellow MN! I'm currently living in Mendota Heights (just south of St. Paul) but have lived all over MN. Looking for some support. I'm a 30-something wife and mother to two. My baby will be one in a couple months and I'm pretty sure I can no longer use the "baby weight" excuse. Feel free to friend me. - Lesley
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