Vicki685 Member


  • SW 201lb CW 165.4lb GW 163lb (for challenge) UGW 150lb Weigh in dates: 8 Jan 167.8lb 15 Jan 166.8lb 22 Jan 165.4lb Total weight lost 2.4lb Well it seems that raising my calorie goal a little has had a positive effect. Everyone is doing so well I can't wait to see the end results next week.
  • SW 201lb CW 166.8lb GW 163lb (for challenge) UGW 150lb Weigh in dates: 8 Jan 167.8lb 15 Jan 166.8lb Total weight lost 1lb I have altered my UGW to 150lb, not entirely sure I will make this but can reassess on my one year anniversary.
  • Finally managed to weigh in for the first time this year, results weren't too bad considering how much partying and eating has gone on over the last month I'd only gained 1.8lb since my last weigh in a month ago. SW 201lb CW 167.8lb GW 163lb (for challenge) UGW tbd Weigh in dates: 8 Jan 167.8lb
  • I don't feel that I stand out for the wrong reasons amongst my colleagues anymore (the people I work with are generally fit and healthy). And I no longer have to hide my body under my work jumper due to too tight waistbands (actually my work trousers are now two waistband sizes smaller too).
  • Hi, I'm from Buckingham. I've already lost 35lb and have between 5 and 20lb to go (haven't quite decided on my goal yet) but I plan on hanging around here for a good while. Feel free to add me (and same to anyone else replying to this thread).
  • I can't weigh in today, but I am now completely back on track with my eating - all the Christmas goodies have gone. I have finally decided on my fitness resolution - to run the 10 mile Great South Run in less than 2 hours (at the fifth attempt)...and to also weigh the same or less than I do now on 31/12/13.
  • Can I join in too? I won't be able to weigh in until 8 Jan as I'm away from my weighing scales until then so I'd be a little late starting. I'll post all my stats on 8 Jan, but will post supporting things here from 1 Jan.
  • On current progress I should hit 35lb lost at the 8 month, or maybe 8 month plus 1 week mark. Although I did lose focus a bit over the summer I have pretty much consistently lost every week over this time ( one or two no loss weeks and only one minor gain).
  • Hi, I'm near Bristol and always happy to have new friends, feel free to add me.
  • I'm going to be peering out through the window out the sun whilst studying for an exam. Foodwise it will be: B - Frosties and skimmed milk L - Vegetable hotpot soup (I really should find a recipe to make my own) D - Quorn fajitas and a cornetto
  • I'm trying to psyche myself up to go. Are park runs suitable for runners of all abilities?
  • I seem to feel the cold more when I'm losing weight, not sure if it's just because winter is coming up or because I have less insulation than I'm used to. It isn't something I notice until I've lost several pounds
  • I noticed my fingers getting thinner first too, along with the reappearance of my collar bones.
  • Pumpkin seeds are a source of iron too but quite high cals, apparently a quarter cup (32.25g) is 180 cals and contains 15% of your daily recommended iron and 19% of you daily protein and their high in other minerals such as zinc too.
  • Another vote here for shock absorber, especially there level 4b range for running and hi impact. I vary between a 36dd (UK) and 32e (UK) depending on weight and nothing moves when I'm wearing one of these bras and they don't squish you (although the style I wear does leave you with a sort 1950s cone type bust shape). Just…
  • I'm pescatarian. I tend to just grill or cook my fish in a lightly oiled pan - salmon, tuna and calamari mostly - but I did recently try this chilli and lime dressing for prawns and it was delicious - I think it would work with squid rings and maybe unsmoked salmon too.
  • Well seeing as I planned to start this on 1 June anyway I guess you can count me in. I will also be running 2 to 3 times a week and Zumba-ing hopefully once a week. Not quite sure if I'm going to try for the 30 days straight (with a break whilst I'm on a weekend break) or skip weekends or something - will see how much it…
  • Sometimes I love what I see in the mirror, then later I'll try on a piece of clothing that I know fit and looked good on me last year and find it looks terrible now. Just adds to my motivation to get healthy.
  • It might also be worth checking that you are getting enough vitamins. I went through a few weeks of being totally exhausted in the evenings (long before starting MFP) to the point where I had to come home and sleep and it turned out my problem was not enough of certain vits and minerals.
  • I'm 5'3 and my goal is 161, possibly 154, from a start of 201. I chose this goal as with my body it makes me a UK 12 and it's a weight that I have been happy at previously.