

  • 26! Great motivational tool. Let's lose the butter ;0)
  • You seem a little sad? You have done amazingly well. Seriously! It;s not only the body but, mind as well that we need to look after. Try and be easier and kinder to yourself and give yourself some slack. Youtube has videos on mindfulness, which might help you to appreciate yourself and what you have achieved. My interest…
  • Welcome! I have found this site and the phone app SO helpful... Please add me, if you would like to. It's a good way to keep motivated, by having friends who can see your diary and ;eave some positive support.:smile:
  • Hello, I'm Maudsey. I live in Dorset and I have been using this site for about a week or 2. It is amazing and actually motivates me-which is actually amazing, as I hate dieting and exercising ;o) I have lost 3lbs and I am very happy about that! I find that seeing my calories in balck and white, makes me accountable. I…
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