

  • I've been slowly making my way, up to 164 miles!
  • Hi all, it's been a while since I've posted, but I'm up to 123.7 miles now!
  • No Bento today, this week has been crazy either I won't make 3 bentos this week OR I'll be making one for tomorrow and Saturday. I *DO* have to work this Saturday, and since work is providing lunch, it would be good to have a back up plan :laugh:
  • These are image tags that the url needs to be place between, minus the spaces on either side of the brackets. [ img ] pic location [ /img ] I usually forget as I don't post pics often, so I click "quote" on a post that already had a picture in it, and remove everything except the [ img ] tags. You could just type the image…
  • Here's my "leftover" bento (please excuse the sloppiness) that I packed for yesterday's lunch. It is pot roast with potatoes, carrots, and peppers, I also included frozen green beans, and on the side, a new recipe for me: Crab Rangoon . I…
  • I like this one too!! Thanks for sharing!
  • I've started working out at least 3 times a week training for a 5K. I'm adding 21.18 to my current mileage, which brings me up to 82.58 miles, I am on a path in the forest!
  • Way to go!! We might meet up eventually...if you wait around in Rivendell for a while ;)
  • It's been a while, but I've started walking/running again, now I'm up to 61.4!
  • Was this bento filling? I feel like I would be hungry within a couple hours. It does look yummy though. I brought another lentil wrap and some leftover fried rice, but am having problems uploading the picture. YAY!! We completed our challenge!!
  • Breakfast bento: This is a Eggo Cinnamon waffle with Nutella sandwhich, and strawberries, plus a little kawaii!! Note: I was hungry before lunch, needs more something. 20130131_082918 by scarlettvetter, on Flickr
  • Warning: yes, this bento is not particularly pretty, but it was really good and filling, for a couple of hours anyway :laugh: The top picture is of my new bento box, courtesy of my brother. Isn't it cute?!! The first layer is my lentil red pepper wrap, and the second is brussel sprouts.
  • This is such a lovely bento!! Great work!! I hope you get to enjoy it. I do have picture of mine, but am just going to post them today!!
  • YES! The final day of our challenge. Honestly, this bento was the most challenging of them yet! I had a friend over last night, so didn't have time to cook anything. I had to throw this together this morning. I separating the microwavable portion of the food from the cold portion with saran wrap. Again, it makes sense to…
  • How do you like the zucchini tots? I really want to make them but need to stop and get a mini muffin pan and just haven't had the time/energy this week. Also, the chicken sounds really tasty! Would you recommend it?
  • Thursday's bento is made entirely of leftovers :D We made this fried rice last night. We buy it at Sam's Club, it's rather good, but does have bacon in it, so you wouldn't want to try it. The egg rolls are another Sam's Club find, but they aren't as good as the rice, there's a possibility it could be because I've only…
  • Tuna salad sushi! I've never heard of that! Do you have seaweed on it? I don't know if I like seaweed. The one time I had real sushi I liked it while I was eating it. Then the taste stuck around in my mouth, and I've been turned off of it since then. I probably would eat California rolls, but I think they have seaweed. I…
  • Are you taking pics from your phone? I know on my phone I have the option to upload "thumbnails" and upload from the "camera" folder. Where are you uploading your pics? Do they look larger once they are uploaded and get smaller once you put them in the comments? I took a look at your code yesterday, and it doesn't look…
  • Good morning! I had a hard time thinking of what to put into my bento last night because we didn't cook and I didn't feel like cooking (though I wanted to try to cook 1 thing each day this week). So last night the challenge was actually a challenge for me...feeling the midweek lazies setting in. So, I started off with a…
  • I totally thought I linked you to the recipe I used...I intended to anyway, so here it is The shrimp were very good, but there is a trick. I cooked them last night while preparing the cauliflower for roasting and thought they might be soggy today. I put them in the microwave…
  • Last night I tried a new recipe, Curried Cauliflower "cracklins". This seemed to be very similar to other curried cauliflower recipes, and I had everything on hand. Actually, I think I ate about half of the recipe last night, it was so good. Today's bento is: Trader Joe's firecracker shrimp and sauce, TJ's frozen jasmine…
  • Just a note, my bento lunch for today ended up right around 700 calories.
  • OMG! Your bento looks and sounds SOO wonderful! The box and bag are so cute! I just used a bunch of leftovers (except for the eggs, which I made enough to use throughout the week). I had a migraine most of the day yesterday, which squashed on my cooking plans...all my plans to be more specific! :sad: I did want to make a…
  • Welcome to Day 1 of our first Bento Challenge! Today I will be sharing a picture of my new Hello Kitty bento box as well as a picture of my Monday bento. I used a mixture of fried rice, sauteed brussel sprouts, edamame, a boiled egg, and breaded chicken breast. There is a lot of protein in this bento, and very little…
  • Creeping along here, have been really active for the past few weeks, just not walking very much other than lunch. I'm adding 4.5 miles, totally 56.9 miles so far, taking the scenic route :)
  • Haven't logged on here in a few weeks, I am at 52.4!
  • SaharaZara Awesome! Are you logging your dancing as well?
  • Tracking a few walks from lunch for the past week, and only one workout. Didn't make much headway this week, adding 3.7 miles to my journey today. Pip is getting sleepy!
  • test post SaharaZara, maybe you are not having the same problem as I am, but when I use the "html code snippet" I am getting the code for a previous tracker. For example, mine says "38.8" but I've already updated it. The updated tracker image says "42.5" but the code doesn't seem to be for that image. It's very strange. I…
  • Great work you two! It's been a while since I've updated, have added a few miles anyway, 9.4 since Saturday, totallying 38.8 miles! My ticker doesn't seem to be updating for some reason :/ (Edited, I figured out that the last number in my ticker code needed to change to display the proper one.) SaharaZaraMorocco, you might…