

  • The great thing about this site is that you start to train yourself how to eat better. This is not a fad diet that once you lose weight you go back to bad old habits, using MFP helps you develop good eating habits. I have been at it about 3 months, lost 27 of about 80 pounds that I want to lose (I may go for a few more to…
  • Great job and great story to help others get motivated. I wish my first 3 months were as productive as yours.
  • Health reasons are one ... getting close to 50 and I have really not worked out or taken care of myself since my daughter was born 22 years ago. I want to be around to watch her kids torture her. The other reason is my motorcycle riding gear is in need of replacing .. getting old and threadbare. The stuff I like doesn't…
  • I am pretty new here as well. I started 2 months ago - have lost 20 pounds - and a few things I have learned: Look carefully and verify that the food entries by users is correct. I have seen some crazy calorie numbers both low and high. My favorites are the ones you can get right off a package that are wrong. I have…