jennelinow Member


  • I'm .74 37-32-42, and I know, now that I've lost some weight, I look pretty good but its hard to be uber confident knowing I still have a ways to go.
  • Glad to see I'm not the only one in this height range :) I'm 5'3" and started in mid-January at 180 lbs, I'm not dieting persay but realing tracking calories and moved from personal workouts to 3 days alone and 3 days group fitness. Just weighed in today at 167 so it seems to be finally doing the trick after years of…
  • I'm not sure this counts for everyone, my BMR is 1410 and for years I exercised regularly and ate at around the 13-1500 calories a day rate and couldnt loose a pound or inch. A few weeks ago I dropped to 1,000 a day, and am now FINALLY loosing weight, after learning this had worked successfully for one of my siblings who…
  • I was very excited about the alternate day fasting, but I fear Im too much of a hard luck case. Im a month into trying the 5:2 500/1600, with one day a week up to 2000 and working out 3 times a week for an hour I have lost a wapping one pound....Ive always struggled with dieting but I think even then I should have lost…
  • Salad and veg are great to fill up on and if you throw on some beans or low fat cheeses, like feta, you can get in your protein. I find a lot of it is just about knowing what cravings youll get when and prepare so you have the food and arent tempted.
  • If you find the 3 down too much Im trying the 5:2 to start with, that puts me on track to loss about 1.5 lbs a week which is about whats recommended so u might want to try this, I go down tues and thurs which are my non work out days and then have sunday as my one day to not track food at all or work out.
  • this is definitely all about preparation and controlling those cravings! I'm on a business trip and having to plan 500 calories when your out with people or on vacation is really challenging. I brought most of my food on the travel day and fasted since Id be in transit but its hard when you have to walk by the TONS of…
  • My first weigh-in after a week on the 5:2, this morning was the day after the second down day and it looks like Im down 4 lbs. That being said I was curious how it would change overnight so last night I weighed in at 1lb down. So I'm going to be excited that there seems to be some progress, but I'll wait till week 2 to…
  • The fasting gives people a lot of options to make sure you pick something you can handle, I think as with all diets the key here is what works for you and what can you stick with. Some people do 18/6, 18 hr fast 6 hrs eating, Im on the 5:2 where you eat 500 for womenn 600 for men, 2 days a week. Even there some people eat…
  • On the first week of this diet and waiting to see how it goes, Ive tried diets before with usually no results but at 180 and 5'3" Im officially fed up! I work out, dont eat fast food, but I drink and I know I eat things I shouldnt. I'm on the second fast day and I was STARVING first thing this morning, but the first fast…