

  • cheat days rule!!! i think its a must , im on a high protein diet 6 days a week and i eat whatever i want on my day off, usually saturday take away day!!!! it helps me a lot!!!! ive still managed to lose 10lbs in 3 weeks of fat and not muscle... and on my cheat day i really do eat !!!
  • im no expert but i do the treadmill for an hour on manual, and burn 650 cals i have it on a steep incline of 10 and speed of 5.5 i keep my hr at about 117 as im 40...it seems to be burning fat! im also on a high protein diet so i lose fat and not muscle, i also have 2 whey protein shakes a day... ive dropped 10lbs of fat…
  • hi, i also take whey protein shakes, i have one for breakfast and if im on a gym day i have one after my training session, if its non gym day i have it as my mid afternnon meal, i try and have 5 high protein meals a day... if anything my weight loss has increased since taking the protein, hope this helps :).... also, i…
  • i burn far more on the fatburn program on the elliptical than i can on the treadmill,.. and i like the upper body work out on the elliptical too!!!! i do a 45 minute cardio session before free weights and i burn on average 680 calories on the elliptical,