Heather5424 Member


  • YES!!!!! So annoyed. 38C to 34B and FLAT!!! Cannot fill out a bra cup no matter what. Ok I blame nursing two children for a year each as well. But this is just sad. At 41 I',m learning why women have "work" done. I would never, because implants are really the only options and I'm not interested. But If I could just put the…
  • Started Yesterday. Love it, but it wrecks me! I'm really into the high intensity/short duration workouts. keeps me motivated knowing its only a half hour so I get them in. I liked P90X but I just don't have time right to devote an hour or more to exercise, my kids are young. T25 is intense but not impossible and the…
    in T25??? Comment by Heather5424 April 2014
  • You are beautiful!!! Congratulations!!!