

  • Thank you everyone. I think I may have over reacted a bit- I was just so upset he said that- Yes I married a blunt man- who was trying to be supportive but just has a hard time showing it. He realizes he needs to lose weight himself- and thats his plan ::) Thanks for all your words of wisdom!
  • I just started day 1 too! Hopefully I can walk tomorrow haha- Best of luck to you!
  • I have it- I could use some motivation- please add me :)
    in PCOS Comment by Lweber0723 June 2012
  • I was diagnosed with PCOS a year ago. At the time my husband and I were not married yet so trying to have a baby was not something we wanted. We have been married 11 months, and have not been using any birth control for the past almost year (I guess you could say we were trying :) Well, I went to the doctor because we want…
  • I am on level 2 day 3- tonight. The first day I did level 2 I thought I was going to die- last night it went much better! I took off 2 days over the weekend because I was out of town visiting my mom- do you think this a problem? Should I continue where I am at or do I have to start over! Any input would be greatly helpful!
  • I am so glad I found this! I finished day 8 on the 30 day shred- and seen a little bit of a change however I am one that wants an instant change- so seeing this has motivated me to keep on going.....I can do this!
  • I feel the very same way! I got married last July, and when we got our proofs- I cried. I could not find any pictures that I wanted to frame- I hated how I looked in all of them!
  • I feel the very same way! I got married last July, and when we got our proofs- I cried. I could not find any pictures that I wanted to frame- I hated how I looked in all of them!
  • I have lots of motivation, but the biggest motivation for me is wanting to have a baby. My husband and I have been trying for over a year now- and I went to the doctor to find I was diagnosed with PCOS. My doctors suggestion- lose weight.....so thats what I am trying to do! I want a baby!
  • I am new also :)
  • My doctor will not give me any medications for PCOS to help with my weight loss, which is soooo frustrating! I can't even look at myself in the mirror without being disgusted- and then my husband tries to tell me I look beautiful and I look at him and say are you crazy!!! I just want to to feel beautiful- like he sees me!…