

  • Trader Joe's organic peanut butter. Only ingredient is unsalted peanuts. I also like Smucker's natural creamy. Only salted peanuts.
  • Great job!!
  • Orthodics mostly corrected mine. I would say 70-80% better now.
  • I agree, we need to see your food diary. The quality of food matters greatly. Excellent job on exercise!
  • Definitly not alone. I do the same thing. I feel skinny so I think skinny. But I have another 30 lbs to go.
  • I know your eating less calories, but what types of food are you eating? The quality of food matters just as much as the quantity. Good luck!!
  • Yep. And I married him too. Happily married.
  • Anywhere from 85-95 depending on how "resting" I am.
  • I personally believe in quality over quantity. I try to eat mostly clean, healthy, natural veggies and meats. I limit the sugar and carbs and this seems to work. Even on weeks where I eat way over on calories I still tend to lose weight because of the type of food. My body knows what to do with it and processes it…
  • Hi Marybrry4! I had this problem too! It was two-fold. 1) I wasn't eating the right foods. I was eating within my calorie budget, but I wasn't eating good nutrients. Once I changed to mostly vegetables and lowered my carb & sugar intake I got my energy back. The calf cramps stopped when I got my Vitamin D3, B12 and…
  • PCOS here too! Except I have the extremely painful kind. My ovaries trigger insulin to release and then it triggers peripheral neuropathy...which it totally excruciating! I don't have diabetes but I eat like I do. Meaning a whole foods, zero processed, low card, NO sugar diet. I've lost 21 lbs and the pain is majorly…
  • Great idea! Thanks!!
  • Look at the new book out by Dr. Mark Hyman. It's amazing and has really made sense of the whole "food is medicine" and can heal your body and help you lose weight. It's not just eating less, it's the combination of foods you put into your body.
  • Basically what everyone else said. I steam my veggies because raw ones tear up my stomach. Here isarough daily breakdown: I eat 75% veggies, 10% meat, 10% nuts, 5% fruit and cheese. I choose whole foods, local and organic when possible. No sugar or flour. No processed foods. No alcohol. That's pretty much the basics of my…
  • Not physically disabled, but hormonally I am. Making it impossible to eat & exercise like a "normal" person.
  • I get asked this a lot :) I eat lots and lots of veggies, fish, chicken, lean beef, nuts, cheese, strawberries, greek yogurt, extra virgin olive oil, cinnamon, other spices. My plate generally is 75% steamed veggies. I do add grains in occasionally (about twice a week) when I'm not on a yeast flush...which I'm on one now.…
    in diet Comment by jhann16 March 2012
  • If you have insulting resistance, diabetes, PCOS then yes it matters. If you are "normal" then the fructose found in fruit isn't that big of a deal.
  • I have developed an egg intolerance over the last six months. I can eat then in things but not eggs alone. No clue why. One doctor said it is due to an overgrowth of intestinal yeast but who knows.
  • I could not lose a thing until I cut out all sugar (except that naturally occurring in veggies) and limited my fruits to one serving a day. I also keep my Carbs at 80 - 100. Now I know some people will say that is too low, but it works for me. I feel great and am loosing weight at a good pace. I have not added excercise…
    in diet Comment by jhann16 March 2012
  • You don't have to have cysts to have PCOS. I recommend seeing a decent endocrinologist. There are so many tests he/she can run to look more closely at your hormones. Have you had a 2 hour gluclose tolerance test yet?
  • How much sugar does she consume in a given day? I had a similar problem. I went to several doctors until one recommended a 10 day no sugar of any kind diet. I lost 10 lbs in 10 days. This was after steady weight gain while cutting calories and exercising. If nothing else works try it for 10 days.
  • I use this method along with a healthy whole foods diet. Once a week I have a "high calorie" day where I eat to my base metabolic rate. My BMR is approximately 1871 calories (for just stilling around all day). I still exercise, but don't add my exercise calories in. On the other days I stay around 1200 calories. Sometimes…
  • I live in the US (Ohio specifically). So far at my Meijer they have grape, kiwi-strawberry, lemon--according to their website two new flavors will be released soon. The drink is colored but it boasts "all natural ingredients" so maybe the colors are natural? I dunno, I'll check into it. But I think the colors are pretty…
  • Yep, you just have to do it! I have to "beat" myself every morning to exercise; then I feel soooo good afterwards.
  • How about an exercise video? You can get them for about $20, rent them free from the library or download them with on demand from Direct TV. Also, walking is one of the best starter exercises. Then of course there's also jumping jacks, push-ups, sit-up, leg lifts, and other basic muscle toning. You have so many options!…
  • I have PCOS and to quote my endocrinologist I have, "the worst and weirdest case of PCOS I have ever seen!" That was two years ago after spending four years trying to find out why my body was shutting down. My PCOS causes my insulin resistance. Endo put me on metformin and metanx which lessens the effect PCOS has on my…
  • Hey! I'm hitting 30 at the end of July. My goal is to lose 50 lbs by my 30th birthday. I have 36 lbs left to lose in the next six months. We are going on vacation in a few months and I want to lose 20 more lbs before that and the rest by July. If I do reach my "goal" weight hubby promised to take me back to California for…
  • WW is great if you don't know how to eat healthy. Their revamped program is awesome!
  • 58...not too bad considering I don't eat many processed foods. I totally had to guess on all the crackers, cookies and chips.