

  • I know exactly where you are Jennie. I felt the same way in January of 2010 when I dedcided I was tired of being on the weight loss roller coaster. I committed to a program that helped me to lose 30 lbs in my first 5 weeks. I went on to lose 65 lbs in 11 months and have been maintaining going into my 3rd year now. This…
  • I snack on apples or asian pears dipped in various nut butters. Celery or carrots with hummus is yummy too. My emergency snack is an Ardyss healthy chocolate chip brownie. I carry a couple with me for times when I'm in a meeting or miss a meal because I have back to back clients. The brownie has 4 grams of protein and 7…
  • Chapstick... I'll have to adopt that one...:smile:
  • Congratulations on your transformation! Awesome. How much weight did you lose? You look almost like a different person. :-)
  • Hi There, I definitely understand where you are. What helped me get through my plateaus was to intergrate a catalyst that jumpstarted my metabolism. Compression technology was a great compliment to increased resistance training in the effort to break through the plateaus quickly and ultimately lose 65 lbs in 11 months. It…