AlyssaDarby13 Member


  • Had a stressful week and gained just under a pound. Sorry, team. I'll do better this week.
  • AlyssaShively: 201.1
  • Woo hoo! I am so excited to be on the winning team this week! Gives me great motivation for the week ahead, even if I am having severe pain. It won't stop me from getting to Onederland! Who else is highly motivated now?!
  • AlyssaShively: 200.6
  • Hi team! I'm 27 and my weight is creeping up higher than ever thanks to some new psychiatric meds. I'm currently 203.5, with a goal weight of 115 (I'm only 5' 1/2"), so I have an almost 90 pound goal. For the challenge I would love to get my exercise back on track by doing at least 20 minutes (would prefer 30-60) a day on…
  • AlyssaShively: 203.5
  • I'm in. My weight has been creeping up, and I am ready to kick it back down!!!
  • Today I expended almost all of my energy clipping my dogs nails. He is only 13 pounds, but he acts like I'm trying to murder him. I have done pretty ok in my eating so far. I allowed myself to indulge in a couple of pieces of Easter candy (I am tempted to throw it away, but I am so broke that just the thought of that feels…
  • 1) Start weight/current weight. 193.8/193.3, so I'm down a half pound, which is not how much I wanted, but it's ok considering my answer for #2. 2) How you are feeling about your first week? Did you surprise yourself? Learn anything knew about yourself, or dieting in general? Did you do your best? I am not feeling so great…
  • Yesterday was our Easter celebration with the in-laws. And, even though we're both 27 (and my SIL is 30), his mom still insists on giving us HUGE baskets...filled with candy. Today...I have been mindlessly eating it. Way too much of it. I gave myself a tummyache and still kept eating it. *sigh* Oh, well. Tomorrow is…
  • Yesterday I did pretty well, up until the end of the day when I decided "comfort food" was the answer to my problems. My body doesn't seem to be too angry with me about it, so that's good. I haven't logged my food yet, so I don't know if I was within my range. I'm thinking not. I also skipped out on going for a walk with…
  • Today's weight: 193.8 Goal weight for the challenge: 188.8 My motivations: I want to be a mom more than pretty much anything, and my weight is affecting my fertility (and my libido, as I feel terribly un-attractive, even though my hubby assures me otherwise). Another great inspiration is a friend who had a traumatic brain…
  • Rose, thank you for the recipe. I'll have to try that for a sweet snack. I also am interested in trying kale chips now that I've gotten to a point where I actually like kale. I am so sorry to hear about Beau. :-( It hasn't been long since you had to put him down, it sounds like you aren't done grieving. I hope you can work…
  • Howdy. I'm Alyssa. I'm 26, married, starting a business. I started gaining weight after puberty, but managed to keep a handle on it until my early 20s when I shot up about 40 pounds over the course of a year and ended up around 180. Then it crept up a little more until I hit 199 last April and went "Uhm, no. I'm NOT…
  • I use Endomondo Sports Tracker on my phone. It is sometimes off just a tad, though. Since it uses GPS it can get a little messed up by 1) if I hold it in my hand and swing my arms, 2) weather interference, 3) just because it's dumb. It's usually not off by more than 1/10 of a mile or so. I'm excited to start and see how…
  • Aw, that's a bummer. Glad that you guys will still get out there anyway. I have not started running yet, but I'm working up to it now. Do you enjoy it? Let us know how your time goes! I had an emotional break, and then breakthrough last night. I am feeling so much better emotionally today. Still exhausted, but now I know…
  • Marca, i'm glad to hear you had some relief from the dizzies. I hope that continues. :-) Rose, I'm glad your little furry is ok. That sounds really traumatic. Poor thing. On an unrelated note, is there a recipe for these toasted coconut flakes? That sounds like something I'd love to try. I'm doing a little bit better today…
  • Oooh, thanks for the link. I bookmarked it. I won't be able to afford to add in everything on the list, but hopefully I can at least tweak things a little for now.
  • I was actually just looking at gelatin supplements the other day and thinking about taking them for my nails. As of yet, the best thing I've found is Sally Hansen Nail Strengthener, but if you don't use it pretty much every day or two it doesn't seem to really help. Rose, are you liking the natural meds? I have heard of…
  • *mingle* *mingle* :-P I had a pretty good morning healthwise, but starting in the early afternoon my stress levels went up. Now it's not even 4 and I feel like curling up for a nap. It doesn't help that I'm battling a cold. how is everyone else doing today?
  • That's where I am, too. I would rather make changes slowly that won't 1) break the bank, or 2) cause me to tailspin out of control. I often get told I'm crazy because "What if you felt so much better if you went gluten free?", but the way I look at it that would just make it that much worse if I could no longer afford to…
  • I was just reorganizing some of my craft stuff last night and I found my favorite shirt (been missing for almost a year...You see how often I get around to crafting, lol) and my thermometer!!!! Why in the world would I have put those things there? I'm sure I had a reason at the time...
  • Oh my goodness! I think you might be my new hero. I've got 9 months left before my deadline to be able to graduate and I still have about 3.5 "years" of work left. I am still going to try my hardest to get it done. Knowing you did it helps a little. :smile:
  • I've started writing this a few times...I tend to write WAY too much, so I'll try to keep this (relatively) short. Childhood - fit, happy, active, mild sleep troubles (but generally well-rested feeling), exceedingly healthy (like, I rarely even got a cold), super skinny. Puberty - went through most of the "normal" hormonal…
  • - you need to pee, but the bathroom seems SO far away... - you doze off while trying to study, but stare at the ceiling all night... - you enroll in school to finish your high school diploma and three years later haven't even finished Freshman year... :-( Sorry, mine weren't funny...So, uhm...A guy walks into a…
  • Whoever originally wrote that truly put everything into words that I try to say every single day. I was diagnosed two and a half years ago, but we're pretty sure I've had it for 9 years or so. The catalyst seems to be when I had mono. I've also been left with CFS from that, so my exhaustion is two-fold. My grandmother has…
  • You're scaring me!!!! I'm a 38DD right now, and have just started really working to lose weight. I am so worried I'm gonna lose mine. I can't help as far as far as if it's normal to lose them so fast, but I know some loss is to be expected since they are essentially just fat. I would definitely suggest doing any and all…
  • <--- That (or anything similar) I usually have to use them so often that I have to buy a new one every 6-12 months. I just go to Walmart and look near the razors. Any type of grocery/drug store should have one.…
  • I usually go for regular Pepsi for caffiene. I don't personally like any artificial sweeteners. Most of them give me massive headaches, which makes me think that they're probably doing nasty things to my body.
  • I know I'm still new here, but I wanted to let y'all know I have to leave for a while. Family issues have cropped up and I have to deal with them and so won't have time for MFP for a while. Best of luck on your journeys, and hopefully I can get back on the Hogwwart's Express soon.