gwyndol Member


  • I've lost 37 and need to lose about 80 more! I'm always open to support, and I'm happy to support others when they need it!
  • I completely understand what you mean about not seeing it, but do you feel better? Try to concentrate on the positive things. Are there some things you couldn't do before that you can do now without as much effort? I wish you all the very best, as it's not easy, but there's no reason you can't keep going and keep feeling…
  • People can be HORRIBLE and thoughtless! For me, one of the hardest things is getting past what other people think. I once weighed well over 300 pounds myself, and the worst comments came from kids and coworkers (even after I started losing weight!). That said, the best gift you can give yourself is to remember why you're…
  • Don't you LOVE that feeling? I was going through a box marked "Smaller Clothes" with items I haven't fit into in well over 10 years. The cool part was some of them were too big! I only wish a really pretty dress like that had been in there as well! Keep up the great work, and when you have an off day, look back on your…
  • Feel free to add me. I live in Michigan as well! I'm about halfway to my goal, and I know how hard it is to get going when there's a little one around!
  • I'll remember this every time I'm tempted to be lazy!
  • Love this!
  • SO true! I'm surprised at how many people are saying to eat it anyway. If it was easy for me to have a small piece of (add your sweet treat here) and leave it at that, I wouldn't have any issues. For me, it would be like asking an alcoholic to just have one beer. Many of us are in the spot we're in because we haven't been…
  • Love seeing your progress and reading your post, especially since I'm at a point where I'm doing well but frustrated I'm not losing faster. I also love your comment about no excuses. I've been really surprised at the backhanded compliments I've gotten from people about my weight loss. Lots of "That's great you lost weight.…
  • My name is Gwen, and I'd love to join in. I've found that having short-term goals really builds my confidence, especially since my goal seems a million years away! I haven't hit the fast food joints this week, so I'm on track for the goal this week! Age: 43 Height: 5 ft 5 in Starting weight: 277 lb Current weight: 260 lb…