

  • Only lost 1 this week, which means I need to lose three next week! Hoping since I am going out of town. SW 181.2 6/8 178 6/15 175 6/22 174
  • Yeah 3 more lbs this week! SW 181.2 6/8 178 6/15 175 I have been following the the 17day diet and working out
  • Lost 3.2lbs 181.2-178 WooHoo that was just from changing my diet and counting calories. Next week I am adding exercise!
  • Hello Everyone, I am a myfitness newbie currently 181 which is consider OBESE for my height and age I am working to a goal weight of 150. I am adding exercise to my new lifestyle and trying to figure out how to intake the right amount of calories to continual burn fat.
    in Intro Comment by Mdamato99 June 2012