

  • I think most of us can relate to that feeling. It's a bummer especially since we know it wont make things better. At least for me it makes me feel even worse with in min's of doing so. It's a tail spin into old habits. Stay focused, and it will make you stronger. The economy thing... tell me about it..... I'm in sales and…
  • smaller portions of food through out the day might help. Drinking plenty of liquid as well. Just eat healthy and don't give up.
  • The "more protein" to your lunch is a great idea.But make sure you are drinking a lot of water or tea.... that helps me out a lot.
  • Hello everyone. I'm 29 years old. I have had a struggle with my weight for 11 years now. I have tried so many diets in the past. Lost 15 pounds but gained back 20. I was on some med.'s for a while and in that time I gained 50 pounds. Ugh.. like I needed that. My heaviest weight topped at 236. I started the hcg protocol and…
  • Being on the hcg diet, the only kind of "sweet" I can have is stevia. I mainly use it to make salad dressing and to put it into my tea. The only "baking" I've done with it is mixed it with cinnamon and put it on top of an apple to heat up. I like it a lot and it seems to be better that the others on the market.