Somenameioi Member


  • I used it to take gum out of my 2 year old's hair last week. It worked like magic! Last week I made popcorn and topped it with coconut oil mixed with chocolate chips and a little salt and it was delicious! I also tried it with coconut oil, cocoa powder and a little sugar and salt- both were good!
  • I have finished it once and started over a few weeks ago. I have never looked forward to it, but I am always so happy when I've finished it!! It's a great work-out in a short amount of time.
  • Sorry, forgot to post the recipe!
  • I made this the other day. I added some chicken sausage and stuffed it into green bell peppers. It was easy and delicious!
  • I've been adding chopped avocado- it's creamy and is full of good fat.
  • I am making this as we speak.. er write :)
  • I don't have a HRM either- I use High Intensity Aerobics and it seems close to what my friend gets on her HRM. I use the home calisthenics for the recovery video and the Insane Abs. Not perfect, but it gives me some idea.
  • Have you tried different kinds of brown rice? There is jasmine, basmati, short grain, long grain... We like basmati. Is it a flavor thing or a texture thing? Maybe try cooking it differently. I made Mexican Rice with basmati rice the other day. I made it with 1 cup of rice, 2 cups of water and then added a can of tomato…
  • I like the music they play in my zumba classes- it's fun and upbeat. Daddy Yankee and Pitbull or other reggaeton music.
  • We had it for dinner last night. I made it something like this: Rinse Quinoa till no longer foamy . Bring 1 cup of Quinoa, 1 tsp of cumin, 1/2 tsp of salt and 1 1/2 cups of water to a boil. Cover and simmer for 20 minutes or until Quinoa is tender. Add I can of rinsed garbanzo beans, 1 can of diced tomatoes, 1 cup of…
  • bump so I remember to post a recipe when I get home
  • I was just reading yesterday about how chocolate contains magnesium and if we have a magnesium deficiency we will crave chocolate. I haven't done much research on it- but it's worth reading about.
  • I love Fage too! My 1 and 3 year old do too. I have tried a few other brands- but I am pretty loyal. I am obsessed with the cherry one for a high protien treat. I usually get mine in the large containers so its cheaper and use it as a sour cream substitute and have been adding it to recipes that call for sr cream or other…
  • I started Insanity in Sept and didn't finish( never got to the max workouts)- I got injured and then Thanksgiving came around. So I started again after Thanksgiving and got 2 about 2 workouts from the end before going on Vacation- so I would say I "finished' - I just couldn't do the last 2 workouts. I thought the 2nd half…
  • I finished it and am in the best shape ever! I have muscles everywhere- and even my husband (who hasn't done any of the workouts) says he loves insanity! LOL I have noticed that my endurance has increased significantly when I do Zumba and I can run faster than ever before. I feel great and am starting to look great. I lost…
  • I had a feeling.. but I still prefer butter :)
  • This may be more Thai- but it was good and had less calories in mine than it says on allrecipes. I added 2 peeled potatoes and left out the chile paste. Even my 1 and 3 year old ate it- with Jasmine Rice. According to MFP my calories for the recipe plus rice was just 300. It is very filling. Coconut Curry Tofu Ingredients…
  • very interesting! Glad we switched to pure butter a while back. Good to know it's better for my kids to grow up eating the real thing!
  • I'm making it for dinner tonight- I haven't tried it before. I am in love with this one- I substitute one can of the beans with diced tomatoes and add greek yogurt and shredded cheese…
  • I find it impossible to stay under my sugar. A grapefruit which is supposed to be one of the best diet foods will put you right over. I track it and am aware of it but I do not worry about it unless it is white sugar from a latte or chocolate or something. Some people say that even though it is fruit sugar it is still not…
  • It is like honey you can use it in anything you use honey or sugar in like tea, on a grapefruit on pancakes or waffles... It also comes in different flavors. I get it at the regular grocery store.
  • I weigh myself everyday.. but I "weigh in" on Monday mornings. I started weighing in on a Monday and have just kept with it. I always weigh more on Mondays than on Fridays.. maybe I should switch.
  • I just did this for the first time yesterday- put about 1/3 cup of regular popcorn in a brown paper lunch bag, fold it over tightly a few times and put it in the microwave for about 2 1/2 minutes. Microwave popcorn! Without the crappy stuff they put on the kind you buy at the store and way cheaper! I gave it to my kids…
  • Black beans and quinoa- it was really good!
  • I made this Quinoa and Black Beans recipe last night and we loved it! I put in a can of diced tomatoes and only 1 can of beans. It was around 300 calories per serving with 14 grams of protein and 10 grams of fiber. ps I put a bit of sour cream and a little…
  • Whoever entered them may have used a lot of oil on them. You should probably double check.
  • I know this is a post about quick fixes- but if you ever want to make your own beans- here is a really easy crock pot recipe! I made them twice last week. They don't need any oils or grease and are very tasty! They took about 6 hours in my crock pot…
  • I have been doing Insanity and love it! I got my videos on Craigslist. I have 2 small kids and working out at home takes me half as much time as it would to get my kids ready, drive to the gym, take a shower, come home. It is a great work out and you don't need any equipment. I also used to do some of the Jillian Michael's…