

  • I've gone lower carb and higher protein. For breakfast, I usually have a protein shake (something with Whey, as a lot of soy is genetically modified) and two fiber caplets (I go with Citrucel or its generic equivalent). For the rest of the day, I concentrate on lean protein from meat, cheese, sometimes cottage cheese, and…
  • I've found that I do better if I go by how I look, or how my clothing fits (i.e.: how many holes in I can comfortably go in on my belt), because I can weigh myself, but it won't show any difference even though I've lost inches. So yeah, no more weekly weigh-ins for me. It's either every other week or once a month. :)
  • Good question! Haha! Nikita came wandering around, and we never found her owner, so she pretty much became ours. She's a mix, and there's a good chance she might have some Australian Shepherd in her, and maybe some Beagle. Someone even suggested Corgi. She can be very rambunctious, and she's definitely part hound, as she…
  • Losing4Life69: Thanks. I stretch after every workout session. :)
  • TexanThom: Thanks. I plan to. :) Do you take days off from walking? BlueStar1989: Yes, it IS worth it! :D How many days a week do you work out?