thirdday70x7 Member


  • I think I may be the only girl who would be more than happy to lose some weight in the chest. Mine have always been bigger, they're finally getting smaller, and it makes me feel free. I can actually wear sports bras and bathing suits now. They were a big, unclotheable distraction before, and I couldn't be happier to be rid…
  • Does she like going to the mall or anything? You could take her and just walk around and window shop. Take her on everyday errands where there is alot of movement involved (ie grocery shopping).
  • I think its perfectly rational to stick to this site even if you've met your weight loss goals. Continuing to count your calories and track your exercise is a healthy habit to maintain. If it were like Weight Watchers or something like that I could see the necessity of learning how to live without it at one point, but this…
  • I guess I see this differently. I've had a rather big chest since high school and its caused nothing but problems for me. I can't buy clothes that other girls buy (forget bathing suits), i've had back and neck pains. Now that I'm loosing weight, they are starting to get smaller, although I'm not sure If i can switch sizes…
  • Thanks guys, yeah I started the first disc last night and it was hard for me! Even now that I'm in better shape I was still dying, plus I have like no space to do it in. I would consider doing some of the individual moves (leg lifts, etc.) as part of my nightly routine of crunches, plank, and pushups just on their own, but…
  • My weightloss/diet goals: -Lose at least 5 lbs. -Lower my sodium intake. -Try something new for my cardio workout. On the wedding front: -Book our photographer. -Book our honeymoon. For fun/overall wellbeing: -Play guitar at least 3 days of the week. -Take a time out to watch Breakfast at Tiffanys, Roman Holiday, and The…
  • I'm 5'9" and my current weight is about 191. I'm trying to lose weight for my wedding next april! I'm in Allentown, PA so we can't be gym buddies or anything, but I'd love to be a motivational buddy!
  • Feel free to add me too! I'm trying to lose 50 lbs for my wedding next April, and would love to have some support and be able to give some!
  • Yeah, don't be concerned, hun. The same thing happened to me last year when I started working out/dieting. Then I stopped going for several months and as of this month it happened to me again. It's all part of your body adjusting to your new routine! Best of Luck!