

  • Sounds great, if maybe a bit too much. But your physician would know best. It took you a long time to gain that weight. It's going to take a while to lose it, so don't lose hope or patience.
  • Knowak82, there are lots of sitres, but this and the ones cited in it seem good and gentle to me: I'd start with the kettlebell swing and then the front squat. 751, whoa man! I think I hear your phone ringing and it must be Seal Team Six calling. Tabata is a killer.
  • I always assume those calorie counters are inaccurate, and each machine probably varies. I'd think a better answer could come from time spent and distance.
  • Aerobics for at least 30 to 60 minutes twice a week (more if you can). That is what's going to burn off some calories and give you more endurance and stamina. Mix it up with some free weights and ab work, like situps, for example. I strongly suggest that you join a class at the Y or a club to start out right.