mellabyte Member


  • Mix it with greek yogurt and dip fruit in it. It's a good post or pre workout snack for me. Protein + healthy sugars. Drop it in smoothies as a "protein powder". Use it for the filling in homemade dark chocolate pb cups. Hell. Anywhere I would use regular peanut butter.
  • I'm sorry you had to deal with that. :/ I do agree that the current couple generations of kiddlets...leave a lot to be desired in the "let's try to be respectable human beings" dept. -sighs- It totally makes me really apprehensive - if I ever decide to have my own. But as several have mentioned, barring any legitimate…
  • Let's see... I'm 5'1", started out at 164lbs, currently at 114.5 - so 49.5lbs lost. ^_^ I'm hoping to get to 105 though. My profile picture is a recent picture of me. OP: I feel you about apprehension of your goal weight. I get that when people hear my goal, but my frame is also very small and I have the "dangerous"…
  • I wouldn't count cooking, cleaning, etc, either. Unless it was something like, you moved and spent half the day unpacking, lifting boxes and carry stuff up and downstairs. Things that are not daily occurrences that cause you to break a sweat. :)
  • I'm on 1200 (though considering upping to 1300) a day and I don't usually eat all my exercise calories back. Sometimes I'm under my 1200 net, well usually - but I'm usually close like...1175 or something. (I know there are very passionate camps about netting under 1200. It's all good.) And I've been losing steadily…
  • If you snack as soon as you get home and you know it, how about distracting yourself? Find something to do, when you get home. If it's just an unwarranted urge to snack: go for a walk, tackle some chores. Plan to-do or activity lists for after work that will tide you over to dinner time. If it's actual, legitimate hunger:…
  • So... You're a vampire. I see. Just please. Not one of those terrible, glittery ones...
  • I used to use it more often, the little flavored triangle ones. They're tasty with some carrot sticks, grape tomatoes, etc - or pretzels if you're not carb-phobic. I also used to use as a spread/lining for veggie wraps. I do like those baybel little cheese wheels too (they're a laughing cow brand). The light ones are only…
  • I've started getting this recently, mostly from people who have been struggling or yo-yoing with the same 10-15lbs. "You don't have X-lbs to lose!" is another popular one. I always tell them that I see myself naked - and naked me has a different story to tell. Usually, they don't quite know how to respond to that without…
  • Usually I work out 4-5 times a week. M - HIIT Cardio + Weights: Chest/Biceps + Optional: Abs or Kung Fu Self-Practice or Legs T - 1hr Kung Fu Class W - 1hr Kung Fu Class Th - HIIT Cardio + Weights: Back/Shoulders/Triceps + Optional: Abs or Kung Fu Self-Practice or Legs Sun - Light Steady-State Cardio + Abs + Kung Fu…
  • I used to work out in the mornings - I'd get up at 4:45am to make it to the gym by 5:30am... That was _rough_ but I liked it because it energized me for the day and I got all that being sweaty and stinky stuff out of the way in the morning. Also, no one is ever in the gym that early. So you have your run of the place and…
  • Mine keeps making comments about how tiny I am, complete with hand gestures for emphasis. His newest thing is saying that I'm "so squishable" now.. But not because of squishiness - but because as he puts it, "your sides are firmer" and he can basically wrap my sides with his palms and squeeze instead of _grab_ them with…
  • Finished off my breakfast and checking the morning work emails. Booo Monday! (((o)>_<(o)))
  • Always. >_< I _always_ see fatter me. (See, can't even say "fat me" because in my mind I still am because I'm not where I want to be yet.) At 5'1" I went from 164 to 115 and I still feel and see fatter me. I an not too far from my goal, but I still see a fat cat. It doesn't matter what people say, there's this voice in my…
  • Best thing I've read. All. Week. Bravo.
  • I eat them! ^_^ Sometimes I poach them in water until they're basically hard boiled, then I can sprinkle them on salads or mix them into tuna or salmon salad. You can also freeze them for later. You just have to stabilize them first... for savory, mix with salt - for sweet, mix with sugar. Then you can defrost them for…
  • ^^ This. I did the same thing. Was with a PT once or twice a week for a year. Learned a lot about form, isolating muscle groups, circuits, ideas for new routines. If you get a good one, it's worth it.
  • Yes. ^_^ I am a gamer. Though, since health-ing it up - I spend significantly less time straining my thumbs and more time on the rest of my body. -laughs- Gaming tends to be a time suck for me...I end up playing for 3hrs at a time sometimes. So I have it that I don't allow myself to game anymore unless I've worked out for…
  • I totally respect your beliefs. I was raised roman catholic (lapsed catholic now -lol-) and my mom was _very_ adamant about strict practices. So during religious fasting days, if you were between the age of 16 (or 14, can't remember) and not elderly, fasting meant absolutely no snacks or extra beverages other than water…
  • Hey there. 34 here. I try to be motivating and encouraging. I tend to drop off MFP a bit on weekends because I tend to not be on the computer much. (Keeping it active, right? :)) I'm pescatarian, not vegan - but I do love my veggies! Feel free to add me if you want.
  • I have several bottles depending on use, but I mostly use the stainless steel ones. The only plastic I use is your standard 32oz nalgene that I take to my kung fu classes. ( I don't notice any plastic taste. When I'm at the gym, I use a stainless steel pinch+bite camelbak bottle. (…
  • If you decide to add me, you'll see from my diary that I still succumb to some guilty pleasures. >_>;;; Let us strive, not for perfection - but betterness. :D (See, making up imperfect non-words here...)
  • Nerd Fitness has some helpful articles. And there are clever ways to construct your own home gym at almost no cost. I know a popular one is…
  • You look FANTABULOUS. :) I also agree with the trends of posts. Confidence (and health), while sexy, is also intimidating. It can make someone second guess themselves. (Remember when there was that hawwwt guy, making all his friends laugh and generally having a great time - and you avoided making eye contact, much less hit…
  • I went through a similar-ish situation and with our "busy can't seem to say no to people and events they invite us to" schedule, we're still working on trying to make more time for each other where we're only focusing on _US_. One of the things that help is my BF has active hobbies... So we hike together. And he's teaching…
  • Always ready to support and motivate. :) Feel free to add me. (And anyone else as well.)
  • I'm going to follow through. I expect my fire-breathing, purple unicorn of doom in about 4-7 business days. Thank you. :laugh:
  • Be happy seeing myself nekkid? ^_^ Probably won't lose all the flab, but I'd definitely like to be less "squishy". Hence, go-go-gadget-weights! Oh and pull-ups... I'd like to do a legitimate pull-up. >_<
  • Balsamic vinegar is MAGIC. *_* I've also rediscovered my love for siracha lately.
  • ^^ This. (With a touch of Kinect Dance Central from #2 every now and then...because when I do that for an hour my HRM tells me it's a workout. -laughs-)