

  • It's called the night time "binge". I've been plagued with it, I'm sure we all have. If you log exactly what you've "binged" on I'm sure it would be close to 1000 calories. Chances are you aren't eating enough at BREAKFAST! Load up those calories at the beginning of your day and make sure you eat plenty of fats and…
  • Hook up a coach! I like Dennis Hardy. He sends out some really cool emails. http://www.dennishardy.com/signup.htm The price is $120 very reasonable and you will love it. It uses very little equipment. I started out with the bands, but have since upgraded to dumbells. I bought the pull up bar from Target for $15 it's the…
  • P90X will snap you out of that! Or Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred will keep you motivated, it's only 20 minutes long and burns a lot of calories. Stay with it. Make the appropriate UTurn as soon as possible and get back on track.
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