tamihend Member


  • When I started the program in July, I had very little upper body strength. I did them off the bathroom counter. My goal was to be able to do 5 floor pushups by the end of the year. When I could do 100 of the counter without stopping, I started the program again doing them off a lower desk but halfway through, I started…
  • I love the Myotape. I got mine on Amazon. It's $5.65. Costs a little more than a regular tape measure but it's so much easier to use.
  • My son has a lot of back/hip problems and he gave up the chair a few months ago and now stands. His back is so much better. I spend a lot of time on my computer at home and I've been standing at my desk for the last two weeks. I'm not just standing there - I'm - either rocking back and forth, doing calf raises or hip…