bartcal Member


  • Thanks for the chuckle at work.
  • Reading and/or listening to music.
  • Remember, it's a lifestyle change. As mentioned before, make the changes incrementally. Rather than focus on the cut calories initially, work on the change of foods - just the change from processed to non-processed foods will help you out. Once you're used to grabbing for the "whole" foods, work on getting the calorie…
  • Great topic and inspiration. I'm a 16/18 atm and even at my best (148 lbs) upon my academy graduation 20 years ago, I was a 10/12. Seeing the photos give me hope. I've been working on my weight loss through cleaned up eating habits and increased exercise (meaning I actually do that now). I walk or do circuit training…
  • My first bike was an '01 Harley DynaGlide Sport - still sorry I sold it. I bought it before I'd taken the MSF and had second thoughts about owning a bike several times during rides until after I took the course. I had learned how to ride about 20 years earlier and all I can say is thank goodness I waited until I was older…
  • It does get easier, just don't expect it to show right away. Remember, all this is geared toward helping you change your lifestyle - it's definitely not a sprint to the finish. The hardest part for me when I first started, was finding the patience to log all the foods and/or figuring out reasonable approximations. I found…
  • Blueberry Pie
  • Mostly WoW, with some Diablo and Starcraft thrown in for variety. I have a PS3, but mostly only play football or hockey games on it. (I get physically ill whenever I try to play the 1st person shooter games). My gaming has been greatly curtailed lately due to work and other outside influences, but I still try to get a few…