

  • sliced turkey, chicken breast, romaine lettuce, carrots, onions, shredded cheese, cheese slices, spinach, greek yogur, water, juice, eggs, half n' half, skim milk, coffee, apples, oat nut bread, light mayo, mustard, turkey burgers, red potatoes, hot sauce, hummus....sounds about right.
  • Great job!!!!!!!!!!! Thats quite an accomplishment! Be proud of yourself-I know we all are!!!:happy:
  • I love zuchinni!!! I gotta try this, thanks for the recipie!!
  • My thoughts exactly, I have a few friends that were in ur exact situation and it all boiled down to..getting outside attention, and thoughts of "well maybe your doing this cause your in the market to go elsewhere!" You two need to get on the same page with whats going on in both ur heads, and if he doesn't want to talk…
  • You look great! you can see the difference in tone! I wish, I finished my insanity round and saw nothing!!! so good for you that it worked for you!!!:happy:
  • don't seem to be doing either, and this has been going on for 5 months now..
  • its 1800 to maintain, not lose...right?
  • Very interesting article, lots of info thats been consistant with what many have been saying on this site. I feel sooo guilty if I don't do the six days a week, sometimes I'll rationalize it over and over, worked today, "on my feet all day, so that should count" maybe I wasn't being "bad" after all. I'm sure I'm not alone…
  • Thanks for the input, I've was considering a second round of insanity, but maybe p90x would be the better choice for the weight loss I'm looking for, I have started to see some changes, but not nearly what I've been hoping and working for-greater fat loss, more muscle tone, healthy and stronger... I'm just gonna keep…
  • it means I am on the 11th day of the second phase of the program, my BMI is 25, I'm 5'4", 143 now, start MFP at 140 and have done nothing but climb, was 145,147,142....all over the place. I've been active one way or another since I was 17-jogging, weights and machines at the gym, I'm not a big meat eater, love veggies,…
  • that's the dilemma, doing both getting what? I always thought is was one as well as the other but with this long strech of no reult, maybe its do one OR the other, not both?
  • Hey there, I went back and looked at the nutrition guide and so far what I read was right in line with what people here have been saying, need to eat more. for weight loss the insanity guide says I should be eating 1,697!!!!! The MFP puts me at 1410 and thats after I changed my info and reset goal, before the weight gain…
  • oh help, I am into the recovery week day 4 and the scale has gone up, following the intake set by MFP at 1260, usually under by 200 or so but getting better at eating back some of the workout calories. 5'4" 140 and the scale now says 147????????!!! very frustrated, clothes feel a little looser but discouraged that numbers…
  • already into day 4 of recovery week...
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