Brookezuni Member


  • 45 days clean from my Diet Coke problem. I was a hard core diet soda drinker my entire adult life. I find myself too dependent on sparkling water now, but have been working more and more plain water into the mix. An occasional unsweetened iced tea helps if I'm really dragging. Trying to make a bunch of radical…
  • Hello, I'm in the same boat. I started working out about 6 weeks ago, and restarted with myfitnesspal 11 days ago. I've been good about getting my butt to the gym and very good about my eating during the week, but on weekends I'm really social. For example, tonight my husband wants to go to dinner and then have drinks for…
  • All of that disco dancing and cocaine. ;)
  • I'm not a new member, but I've not been a very GOOD member. I'm really ready to make this happen this time. Over the weekend, I had my experience that I feel is my "rock bottom" moment, so as of today, I'm really committing myself to a healthier lifestyle. 100 miles in July seems like a really great way to make this…