

  • I know it sounds cliche' but being positive is the only way to pull you out of the way you are thinking. I am not saying to be all; "I love my body", "I am greatest thing since sliced bread". I am 5'4" and weigh 270 lbs, and I got here from the same type of thinking for years. Hiding in "frumpy" clothes only made me feel…
  • I think your statements could go both ways Fit Women/ Un-fit Men as well. I agree with MMSTGR to a certain degree -- there is an animal nature in women to want to mate with the leader of the pack persee. But don't mix up this fleeting desire with a relationship. Then you have society which capitalizes on the "model" image…
  • I tried weight watchers again after several years -- they just revamped their whole program after studies done concerning fruit and vegetables. Basically now you can eat as many fruits and vegetables as you want. Of course there are exception fruits and vege's but for the most part the program opened up a whole new world…
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