

  • To really get down to your ideal weight, you will probably have to up your exercise, mainly because your body is so good at storing food (everyone's is). But, that doesn't mean you have to plateau! There is a back and forth about when is best to eat, and I think the jury is still out. Personally, I think when I go to bed…
  • Interestingly, many people find that they lose weight quickly with a low calorie diet, but then as they get lighter and lighter, this slows down and eventually plateaus. During this time, most people are actually increasing their exercise regime because they have more energy and motivation, and are probably working harder…
  • Since most people addressed your question about weighing in, I wanted to discuss the second part. Often, when people start a new workout program, they notice a slight weight gain in the first week (or up to 3 weeks). This is completely normal, but is understandably disheartening. It is most likely caused by increased…